CSHP Student and Resident Networking Event + Other Pre-Residency Information
Know what you want out of residency set learning goals learn about what you can learn there Think about American and out-of-province residencies be flexible, open mind, open to different areas of care Be a well-balanced candidate understand that residency is demanding and really requires a high level Have sustained activities, quality over quantity Demonstrate an attitude toward the profession That you are an advocate of pharmacy services and excellent care Get to know hospital pharmacists at local hospitals Arrange an informational interview Residency projects come in a large range Develop the skills necessary for doing such projects Residency will give you exceptional transferable skills, no matter the area of care Develop a learning process as a resident Knowledge base changes, so you have to learn to keep on top of it to maintain first-world practice Show you are excited to do the work as a resident, demonstrate an interest and that you are up ...