Pharmacy Mentorship Program 2014/2015 Part 1:

I have been fortunate enough to be paired up with a practicing pharmacist at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute (TRI) as a mentor for the year. Our first meeting consisted of a series of Q&A for a while and then a tour of the pharmacy in TRI.

Here are the few things I took away from this encounter:

1. Literature is important in hospital pharmacy practice
  • It may be a good idea to start becoming familiar with the language of the literature by reading papers concerning some drugs of interest
2. If you want to work in hospital pharmacy, it is important to get experience somehow. It may not be in the form of a residency, it can be in the form of a job at a community hospital and from there allow you to gather experience.

3. Doing projects may be useful if they interest you.

4. Specializing in pharmacy means to essentially spend a lot of time in a particular area of care.

5. It became apparent to me that showing motivation consisted of at least these things:
  • Having goals
  • Knowing a path of how to get there
  • Keeping busy with relevant experiences
6. In hospital practice, and maybe even all of healthcare, interprofessional relationships are very important.

7. Teaching experience/seminar leading is a necessary asset in a teaching hospital. E.g. UHN Hospitals.

Addendum: First PMP Mentor/Mentee Meet

Work hard at EPE and rotations


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